2906 FM 349 / Kilgore / TX / 75662 / 800-654-6926


To Whom It May Concern:

Troy Rapp Concrete Construction has been instrumental in the expansion of the Halliburton Kilgore yard. Sitting on 33 acres of very uneven terrain and constantly changing slope, Troy Rapp Concrete Construction was able to help us develop our construction plans to concrete close to 10 acres of this land.

Not only was this challenge due to the terrain issues with slopes and building elevations, but Mr. Rapp was always flexible to our unusual work schedules. Always planning with me so construction would not interfere with our operations and traffic flow.

This project for Halliburton had to be broken up into phases for budgetary reasons, and again, Mr. Rapp was flexible, patient, and easy to work with.

In addition to his flexiblity and accommodating work, his experience and the ecperience of his crew proved itself on the ground. There were occasions where the terrain and building elevation changes wouldn't work right with the engineered construction plan. The problem was noticed and brought to our attention before constly mistakes were made trying to match the plan

Troy Rapp Concrete Construction followed all our Health, Safety, & Environmental policies and guidelines. Our day to day interaction with his crew was effortless.

Halliburton has been pleased with Troy Rapp Concrete Construction's work and is proud of the improvements he has done for us. We look forward to the chance to work with them more in the future


James Wright
Location Manager
Halliburton Energy Services

Contact Information:  P.O. Box 3602  |  Longview, Texas 75606  |  tel: 903.738.7007  fax: 903.234.2212